Despite the smartwatch fatigue I experienced a month ago, I find myself getting strangely excited about Apple Watch as we get closer to release. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Apple release an entirely new product category, and while I’d generally recommend that most people wait until the 2nd generation of any Apple product before jumping in, I find myself more and more tempted to pre-order come April 10th.
I wasn’t initially sold on the interface, but today Apple released the first few in a series of guided tours, and it looks…pretty great. Like better-than-Android Wear great, which if you recall, I actually like quite a bit. Of course, demos are one thing, and I’m hoping that, in practice, Watch OS feels less more like a complete product than Android Wear, which to me still feels somewhat like a beta, especially since Lollipop took what I’d consider a few steps back. I’m more and more sold on the Digital Crown as well which, along with Force Touch, seems like a pretty clever way to add functionality when your screen real estate is limited.
My initial concern with Watch OS was that it was too complicated when compared to the beautiful simplicity of Android Wear, but watching these demos, it actually seems pretty straightforward. Swipe up for Glances, which are a lot like Android Wear cards, except thankfully more persistent. Swipe down for Notifications, just like you would on any phone. Finally, press the Digital Crown to get to your apps. I find myself starting to wonder if Android Wear simplicity is actually a detriment, but it’ll be hard to say without actually using Watch OS for awhile.
This whole thing is a reminder of how the Apple Store is the biggest advantage Apple has in the smartwatch game. I think Watch OS truly shines once you’ve had someone guide you through it, and right now, there’s really no equivalent experience for any of the available Android Wear devices. It’s going to be one hell of a month, and I can’t wait to see how most people respond to what is arguably the first mainstream smartwatch.